SF2COQI5RC4X3FLL Selling on Amazon For Experts: FBA Refunds and Listing Items - Legacy Seller

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Selling on Amazon For Experts: FBA Refunds and Listing Items

Did you know that Amazon has more than 213 million unique visitors in the United States every single month? If you're not taking advantage of this audience, you're missing out on some major selling opportunities. And, if you are not currently selling on Amazon, it's likely that you aren't reaching anywhere near this many potential customers.

But, don't worry. We're here to help you with that. Whether you're new to Amazon or you think you're a pro, we have something to teach you. From FBA refunds to product listings, there's a lot to cover when it comes to selling on Amazon.

We're here to break it all down. Just keep reading.

FBA Refunds

According to Amazon's FBA inventory reimbursement policy, one of the ways Amazon may replace or reimburse you for an item is if it was lost or damaged by Amazon or an Amazon carrier. Often, these are items that sellers, customers or Amazon themslves sent to an FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) facility.

If an Amazon-owned or Amazon-affiliated facility or carrier damages or loses that item, Amazon will either replace that item or reimburse you for it. If you qualify for the FBA refund, Amazon will replace the item with an item of the same FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stockeeping Unit). This is the identifying factor that Amazon uses to differentiate products and sellers in their warehouses.

Eligibility for Amazon Reimbursements

In order to get an FBA refund, for lost or damaged inventory you need to qualify for such. An individual who is eligible to receive a refund or replacement will meet all of the following criteria:

  • You must have registered the item that became lost or damaged with FBA before the incident
  • The item that became lost or damaged must fit the FBA product requirements and restrictions
  • The item that became lost or damaged must fit the FBA inventory requirements
  • Your last shipment must include all items and quantities you listed in your shipping plan
  • The item that became lost or damaged must not have been pending disposal
  • An Amazon employee must not have disposed of the item that became lost or damaged at your request. (Improper disposals are another reimbursmeent type.)
  • The item that became lost or damaged must not have been defective
  • A customer must not have lost or damaged the item. (Also another reimbursement type.)
  • Your selling account must be in normal status when you file the claim for the lost or damaged item

Those are a lot of standards to follow, but it's important to make sure that each of these applies before you try to make a reimbursement claim.

If you do believe that you are eligible after reading all of these criteria, we highly recommend that you file a claim as soon as possible.

As you're filing your claim, it's important to be as descriptive as possible. If you're lacking important information, it's likely that Amazon may reject the claim.

Calculating Amazon Reimbursement Value

Before we begin talking about the potential amount of reimbursement that Amazon may give you, it's important to note the maximum amount you may receive. Amazon states that they will not reimburse a seller with more than $5,000 for a lost or damaged item. This is even if the item is worth more than $5,000.

We highly recommend that you invest in third-party insurance if you're selling items worth more than $5,000.

For all other items, Amazon has developed a system to determine the value of an item. Since item prices fluctuate over time and vary between sellers, Amazon looks at several different indicators to determine the estimated sale price of an item.

Here are the various indicators that Amazon uses:

  • The median price at which you've sold the item on Amazon over the past 18 months
  • The median price at which other sellers have sold the same item on Amazon over the past 18 months
  • The current listing price you have for the item on Amazon or the mean listing price if there are multiple listings for a single item
  • The current listing price for the same item from other sellers on Amazon

If Amazon cannot gather enough information about the product, they will calculate an estimated sales price based on the price of a similar product. In order to calculate this, the seller may have to provide additional information about the product.

Product Listings

Now that we've talked about Amazon FBA inventory reimbursements, we're going to cover product listings. This is another problem area for many sellers on Amazon.

Listing products on Amazon is similar to putting up web pages on search engines. You want your listing to be at the very top of the results page.

It's also important to remember that Amazon buyers want complete listings. If you're missing information, customers aren't likely to buy. Because of this, Amazon is less likely to show incomplete listings.

So, you need to focus on making complete listings that are bursting with keywords and phrases. It's important to note that you won't have the perfect listing in a few minutes. It's going to take time.

But, here are a few things you should consider as you're writing each and every product listing:

  • This listing is going to prove to customers why they should invest in your product rather than a competitor's product
  • An accurate listing is going to result in fewer returns since buyers will know exactly what they're looking at
  • Each and every keyword you use should help customers have an easier (and faster) search experience
  • Amazon's algorithm looks at each listing to determine whether or not you're fit for a higher spot on the search results page

As you're writing each listing, you should make sure that you're making a listing that will help the customer and impress the algorithm. As you learn more and more about your target audience and the Amazon algorithm, you may need to make changes over time.

Turn to the Amazon Experts

When it comes to Amazon, we're the team you need. We're experts in running a business on Amazon, and we can't wait to pass down some more of our wisdom.

If you're a seller on Amazon, we encourage you to check out the wide range of services that we offer for our clients. These include expert FBA reimbursement help and amazing listing pages.

Our Amazon Refund Service


We don’t make money until we get you every Amazon refund you’re owed. There are no start-up costs, monthly fees or long-term commitments to worry about. Once the money is reimbursed, we charge a competitive commission on the money recovered.


We work smart to make sure you’re reimbursed as soon as possible. You'll start seeing reimbursements in as little as 48 hours plus, we review your account and file for reimbursements every day if applicable. Others do it every few months.


We deliver comprehensive recovery reports detailing your refund activity, ensuring all items are accounted for and that you receive refunds for everything you deserve. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing where your inventory stands at all times.

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