SF2COQI5RC4X3FLL Amazon Storefront Design - Legacy Seller

Legacy Seller

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The Top Team for Professional Amazon Storefront Design

We create an Amazon storefront that will attract customers and help you sell more products.

Create an Amazon Storefront That Captures Your Customers' Attention

As an Amazon seller, your storefront design is critical to the success of your business. That's because it's typically the first interaction that your clients have with your company. It's what gets them inspired about your brand and excites them about the products you have to offer. 

When your Amazon storefront does less than draw in customers and capture your audience's attention, you run the risk of losing your customers to the competition. That means losing valuable sales and revenue. 

The good news is that the team at Legacy Seller understands how to use professional storefront design to get you the customers that you deserve. We know how to create an Amazon storefront that doesn't just sell your products but will also create a brand that your customers know and love. 

If you're ready to get started with an Amazon storefront design team that truly understands customer acquisition, you're in the right place. Reach out to our team today, and we'll get you set up with an Amazon storefront design that positions your company for ongoing success.
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Expert Amazon Storefront Design from a Dedicated and Reliable Team

At Legacy Seller, we're committed to what we do. Each one of our designers has years of experience designing storefronts that take UX and UI into account. We understand how customers interact not only with websites in general but specifically with Amazon storefronts.

That specialized knowledge is what has given us the expertise needed to develop Amazon storefronts that attract customers and help Amazon sellers make sales. We use our extensive training and hands-on experience as part of our toolkit to design a storefront that helps you start selling more products and creating brand recognition with your customers.

On top of that, our team is extremely reliable. We always meet our deadlines, giving you your project deliverables in the correct timeframe. That's because we understand that delays in your service mean delays in earning you revenue and helping your business make a profit.

What's more, we're proud to offer customized solutions to our clients. When you work with us, you know that you're not getting a one-size-fits-all storefront design. Instead, we give you the opportunity to get creative with your design and to build out a storefront that speaks to who your business is as a whole.

Work with us and put your faith in a team that goes above and beyond the standard Amazon storefront template to provide you with customized, creative storefront designs.
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Dedicated Expert Amazon Storefront Design Team

At Legacy Seller we're committed to what we do and we have years of experience designing storefronts. We understand how customers interact with websites in general and Amazon storefronts in particular. The use of modular components necessitates a strong background in UX & UI.

Specialized Knowledge

You need expertise to develop Amazon storefronts that attract customers and help Amazon sellers make sales. We use our toolkit of extensive training and hands-on experience to design a storefront that helps you start selling more products and creating brand recognition with your customers.
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Extremely Reliable

Our team always meets expectations and deadlines, delivering your potent storefront without delay. We understand the importance of using every relevant Amazon tool at your disposal. Doing this translates to helping your business make the profits you need to continue to succeed!
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Customized Solutions

We're proud to offer more than convenience or a 'look.' When you work with us, you're getting a best-practice storefront designed to produce for you! Our storefronts boast performance, imaginative design that allows users to understand your brand and your products in a manner of holistic clarity.
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Trusted Team

Work with us and place your trust in a team that goes above and beyond the standard Amazon storefront setup to provide you with a customized, creative storefront design - the best available within the paradigm of the Amazon template framework. It absolutely does make a difference how you ‘use what you’ve got.’
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How We Work

Partnering with the team at Legacy Seller is a five-step process!
Step 1

Get in Touch

The first step to working with our team is to reach out to us. We're available by WhatsApp, email, or contact form, giving you plenty of options for connecting with our expert team. Regardless of how you choose to get in touch, we make sure to help you get set up with a consultation for your Amazon storefront design.
Step 2

Consultation & Estimate

Next, we'll review your current Amazon storefront if you have one. We'll analyze what's currently working and what's not so that we can give you the best design solution for growth. Our team will also put together an estimate for our services based on the customizations, timeframe, and complexity that is suggested for your Amazon storefront design.
Step 3

Agreement & Buildout

After we've agreed to proceed together, it's time for us to get to work building out your new storefront. We create your Amazon storefront to best and most clearly engage your storefront visitors. Our team uses the most appropriate storefront template modules to best give users an idea and ‘layout of the land’ [of your brand] without overwhelming them on a page that is essentially there to pass them through to relevant imagery, video or product right away.
how we work LegacySeller
Step 4

Review & Edit

Now, our team sends you delivery for final approval or any edits upon errors. You'll be given a chance to give us any feedback you have regarding your storefront design. We take what you say seriously and get to work making any changes and corrections so that we can perfect your new Amazon storefront design.
Step 5

Launch Service

Once your final design has been approved, it's time for us to push your storefront live. We'll get your storefront design published on your seller portal. Now it's time to sit back, relax, and start watching as you draw in more customers than ever before (assuming they are interested in your product and price.)

We're Your First Choice for Amazon Storefront Design

If you're looking for a professional Amazon storefront design team, Legacy Seller is the place to go. We've been serving Amazon businesses for years which is what's given us the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to give you a truly game-changing Amazon storefront. Work with us and know you're partnering with the internet's favorite Amazon storefront design team.

Your Guarantee

We're not satisfied until you are, which is why our team offers a 100% guarantee on all our designs. We give you numerous interactions with us for editing any errors. And in many cases complementary or greatly discounted followup for integrating functionality so that you can make any tweaks to your user journey that you'd like. Our mission is to provide you with a design that not only draws in clients but that represents your brand and a working relationship that you and your team love.

Launch a Game-Changing Amazon Storefront

Your Amazon business is already bringing in clients. But with our services, you're able to bring in more. It's time to start growing your professional stance on Amazon with game-changing Amazon storefront design services. Get in touch with our team, and together we'll create an Amazon storefront that leaves your customers with a lasting, positive impression of your brand and your products.
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