SF2COQI5RC4X3FLL Simple Restocking - Legacy Seller

Legacy Seller

en English

Coming Soon

This page currently under construction yet the service is 100% operational!

Have you considered using an Amazon Restock Software but none seem right to you?

Are they all too complicated or too expensive for the simple features you need?

Are you making manual calculations or using spreadsheets now?

You might find that Legacy Restock by Legacy Seller is right up your alley!

Please visit Legacy Restock to onboard with a non-credit card free trial.

Happy Selling!

Our Amazon Refund Service


We don’t make money until we get you every Amazon refund you’re owed. There are no start-up costs, monthly fees or long-term commitments to worry about. Once the money is reimbursed, we charge a competitive commission on the money recovered.


We work smart to make sure you’re reimbursed as soon as possible. You'll start seeing reimbursements in as little as 48 hours plus, we review your account and file for reimbursements every day. Others do it every few months.


We deliver comprehensive recovery reports detailing your refund activity, ensuring all items are accounted for and that you receive refunds for everything you deserve. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing where your inventory stands at all times.